lord of the flagsguides
Three Flags for the Veteran-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Wannabe-lords in their halls of gloom,
Nine for the Mortal Rookies doomed to die,
One for Tim Riker in his dark room.
In the Land of Sourceforge where the Shadows lie.
One Flag to rule them all, One Flag to find them,
One Flag to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
In the Land of Sourceforge where the Shadows lie.
Browse Flags
Good Flags
ID |
Name |
Description |
A |
Agility |
Tank is quick and nimble making it easier to dodge |
BU |
Burrow |
Tank burrows underground, impervious to normal shots, but can be steamrolled by anyone! |
CL |
Cloaking |
Tank invisible out the window |
F |
Rapid Fire |
Faster shots more often |
G |
Genocide |
Destroys player and all player's teammates |
GM |
Guided Missile |
shots guide themselves (right mouse locks on) |
IB |
Invisible Bullet |
Shots invisible on radar |
ID |
Identify |
Shows type of nearest superflag |
JP |
Jumping |
Allows tank to jump |
L |
Laser |
Infinite shot speed and range, double reload time |
MG |
Machine Gun |
Very fast reload, very short range |
MQ |
Masquerade |
In opponent's hud, you appear as a teammate |
N |
Narrow |
Tank becomes paper thin |
OO |
Oscillation Overthruster |
Can drive through buildings |
PZ |
Phantom Zone |
Teleport to enter/leave zone |
R |
Ricochet |
Shots ricochet |
SB |
Super Bullet |
Shoots through buildings |
SE |
Seer |
See stealthed, cloaked and masquerading tanks as normal |
SH |
Shield |
Getting hit just drops the flag |
SR |
Steamroller |
Destroy tanks by touching them |
ST |
Stealth |
Tank invisible on radar |
SW |
Shock Wave |
Expanding spherical shell of destruction |
T |
Tiny |
Tank becomes smaller |
TH |
Thief |
Steal flags. Small and fast but can't kill |
US |
Useless |
It's useless |
V |
High speed |
Boosts top speed |
WG |
Wings |
Tank can drive in air |
Bad Flags
Good Flag Database
Quick Turn (A)
This flag boosts your turn rate with 50%, turning your clumsy tank into a nimble fighter.
- The higher turn rate can be confusing at first, but once you master it you'll be dodging shots "The Matrix" way.
- If you're an experienced player than this flag is lethal in your hands.
- When making a 180 degree spin jump to face a rear assault, be careful not to make it 270 degrees instead of the usual 180. It'll be a guaranteed and rather embarassing death.
Burrow (BU)
This flag burrows your tank half in the ground, low enough to duck all incoming bullets. You pay for it though:
- Radar is fixed at maximum zoom level.
- Slightly slower speed, much slower turning.
- Anyone can steamroll you.
- You can't jump.
- Drives under teleporters.
- Stay in the open, where no-one can jump on you from buildings.
- Keep turning, since your radar view is limited to nearby action only.
- Don't get too close to other tanks. They touch you, you die.
- Tank with Narrow (N) approaching? When he jumps, drop your flag and shoot him. He's a Burrowers nightmare!
- Normal tanks can out-speed and out-turn you. Shoot them before they steamroll or jump upon you!
Cloaking (CL)
This flag makes your tank become invisible in the window, although you still can be seen on the radar. Lasers can't hit you.
- Use jumping and elevation to your advantage, since it will be difficult for other tanks to determine how high exactly you are.
- Only fire when you have a clean shot. Any fire exposes your exact position.
- Since a Laser (L) tank cannot hit you, go after such a tank if it's out there. Kill it and steal the more powerful L flag.
- Remember that you're still an easy target for Guided Missile (GM) and Shock Wave (SW) tanks.
- Don't get to cocky being invisible. Most players are rather good with the radar, which is typically used more than the real window.
Rapid Fire (F)
This flag makes your shots fire twice as fast and halfs your reload time, at the expensive of a 25% reduction of your maximum range.
- Try to engage tanks at a slightly shorter range then normal, making it almost impossible for your opponents to dodge your fast bullets.
- Allthough this flag is still better than the normal bullet, you might want to grab another flag instead.
- Be careful to engage tanks at medium range out in the open. Their superior bullet range will be your doom.
- Stay close to clusters of buildings.
Genocide (G)
This flag blows up all teammates of any tank you kill. The best part is that you'll get all the points.
- Great flag if there are a lot of tanks on a certain team.
- Use it to take out teammates of players with a Laser (L) or Guided Missile (GM) flag.
- Try to get an easy tank (no flag or bad flag).
- If ricochet is on in a world take extra caution. If you hit yourself you'll take your teammates with you.
- If you're good and keep killing whole teams over and over again, everyone will come after you.
Guided Missile (GM)
This flag allows you to fire shots that guide themselves. To use this feature, right click your mouse to lock on a tank. The GM is the undisputed champion in the field, feared and wanted by all.
- As soon as you have the GM it is probably best to finish of any nearby tanks first.
- After you have eliminated nearby tanks you should find a nice place on top of a high building, preferably in a cosy corner. Once you're there, just lockon targets and blow them up. Camping or not, it is an allowed and proven tactic. Another tactic is to move around as fast as you can and shoot everything in your mighty way.
- The GM is a powerful weapon, but don't use it to bully players - especially newbies. If there are only a few people on a server be nice and consider dropping this flag for the sake of gameplay. If you're facing good opponents, then by all means, keep it. They'll love a challange.
- Your prime enemy once your have the mighty GM is the Stealth (ST) tank. You cannot lockon to these tanks, allthough you still can try to hit them by firing unguided missiles (not locked on yet). However, since you cannot see a Stealth tank on radar they will probably try to attack you from behind and steal your flag.
- Experienced tankers can dodge your missiles rather easy by moving in a circle around you. Such a player can use this technique to either escape or attack the mighty GM tank.
- Tanks can hide behind buildings, although sometimes you can get them by using a delayed lock-on. Such a lock-on is performed by firing unguided missiles past the building where a tank is hiding. Once the missiles are far enough (few seconds after launch) you lock to your opponent. The missiles will change course and hopefully neatly swirl around the building, blowing something up. A wise target however will hide very close to the building, making it nearly impossible for you to take him out fromwhere you are.
- Since the GM is more popular than Elvis Presly, Michael Jackson and Madonna put together you will probably continuously be chased down by half the tanks on the battlefield.
- Don't focus on a single tank; use your radar more than ever to elliminate the nearest target.
Invisible Bullet (IB)
This flag causes your bullets to be invisible on radar.
- Use ricochet to spray bullets to an opponent from behind a structure. They'll have no idea they're about to die.
- Spray your bullets towards concentrations of enemy tanks.
- Do not underestimate this flag. Most players totally rely on their radar for incomming bullet detection.
- Veteran players will never turn their back to a tank with IB, so it's all or nothing against such a player. Good bet is their flag is better than yours.
Identify (ID)
When you're close enough to a flag, this flag will indicate what it is. You will have to drop the ID flag before you can grab an identified flag.
This flag proves the point that knowledge is power.
- Try to move to a cluster of flags and quickly scan around for a good flag to take.
- Make sure that you're not mistaking the identification messages of the ID flag as actually having a nearby flag. You wouldn't be the first making such a mistake. Remember to drop that ID flag first!
- Don't get to focussed on your flag harvest. Watch that radar.
Jumping (JP)
This flag allows your tank to jump.
- Get on top of buildings, especially if nobody else can, but avoid pyramids at all costs.
- Never use all your bullets. This is especially true when you are jumping to avoid bullets in a head-on combat. If your opponent jumps too, you can shoot him in mid-air with whatever you have left.
- If there is a Laser (L) tank in a ricochet enabled world, jump more often. It would be even better to get on a building though.
- Useless in a world where jumping is enabled for everyone by default. The administrator of such a server either forgot to remove this flag or doesn't know how to do it. Drop the flag in such a case.
- Only jump when necesary. Players can easily estimate where you will land and spray that area with bullets.
- Dodging bullets by turning left or right is preferred. Keep ground contact and resist jumping as long as you can, especially in long and medium range battles.
Laser (L)
This flag gives you a powerful laser instead of bullets, with instant fire speed.
With ricochet turned on the laser has infinite range until it hits a tank or until it leaves the world (by bouncing of a pyramid or by going past and above the map's edge).
With ricochet turned off the laser will stop when it hits something or when it leaves the world.
This flag is only second to the Guided Missile (GM).
- Since your fire speed is infinite you do not even have to lead a target, just aim and fire (but you still have to correct for lag).
- After having destroyed nearby tanks first, use your binoculars. They enable you to accurately shoot tanks all the way to the other side of the field, provided there is no obstruction.
- A ricochet world is both your enemy and friend due to the infinite range of the L. Use your radar to shoot tanks behind and between buildings, but try not to hit yourself. Aim accurately!
- For most worlds it is best to stay on the ground where this weapon is more effective, especially when ricochet is on.
- Take extreme care if there are Cloaking (CL) tanks around, since they are invulnarable to lasers. To them, you are nothing but easy prey. If you are targetted by one of those hunters, you either drop the flag (you might be able to grab it again) and shoot him, go near a teammate who can shoot him, or you run for your life.
- The laser has a double reload time, so don't waste any shots.
- Since the L is high on the wanted list of every player you will probably be chased down by one or more tanks, especially the nearby ones. Your best tactic is to blow these nearby tanks first, after which you can concentrate on tanks further and further away.
- If there are no tanks within bullet range, don't get to comfortable. Tanks might respawn near you or use a teleporter.
Machine Gun (MG)
This flag gives your bullets an extremely short reload time, at the expense of an extremely short range.
- Make heavy use of building clusters; urban fights are your one and only advantage.
- Chasing a tank or being attacked but lacking fire range? Either seek cover or don't hesitate for a second to drop your flag and shoot him with normal bullets.
- Veteran players will not come close and take you out from a save distance, which is not even that far.
- Avoid confrontation with Shock Wave (SW) or Super Bullet (SB) tanks.
- Useless in a world with many (10+) shots.
- Hiding between buildings like you should? Be aware of ricocheting bullets.
Masquerade (MQ)
This flag makes your tank appear as a teammate in anyone's radar.
- Hide between buildings, where enemies cannot see your real color.
- Drive behind an enemy, and if you can, get close before you shoot. Just drive along as a teammate!
- The normal view of your nemesis is not effected.
- Good tankers will frequently reference the scoresheet to check the flag you carry.
- In a lowly populated server it is easy to remember the color that really belongs to your callsign.
Narrow (N)
This flag makes your tank paper thin from the front and back. Your sides and height are normal still.
- Face tanks straight on; it'll be very hard for them to hit you when you're this thin.
- To dodge bullets you'll only need to move a little to the side.
- To dodge a Guided Missile (GM) you don't need to turn to the side all the way anymore, just a bit will be enough.
- You'll be quite hard to spot in the window when you're approaching a tank from a distance, but don't forget that you're still a bright spot on the radar.
- Keep crawling in until you're either spotted or close enough to ensure a kill.
- Try not to expose your sides and avoid encaging more than 1 tank at a time.
Oscillation Overthruster (OO)
This flag allows your tank to drive through buildings. When inside, the word 'Sealed' appears in your window, meaning that you cannot be shot. It also means that you cannot jump, move backwards, or shoot yourself. With OO, you cannot be on top of any structure either, but will always fall through until you hit the floor. You can jump backwards inside a building, but not drive backwards into it.
- Use the OO for shelter, run from inside one building to another. A close cluster of buildings is a good place to be.
- Emerge from a building to shoot a tank, then reverse and jump back into the building you came from or jump into the next building if there is one.
- If a teammate is on a roof, try to hide below him; it'll mask your radar signature.
- A Super Bullet (SB) or Shock Wave (SW) can penetrate buildings as well as you. Watch out for tanks armed with these.
- When you're inside a building, don't go near the edge; a passing Steamroller (SR) can spell your end.
- Hiding inside a very low building is not a good plan either if there's a Steamroller (SR) parked on the roof.
Phantom Zone (PZ)
This flag causes your tank to be in a phantom zone once you drive through a portal. Driving through a portal again causes you to be normal. Portals do not teleport a PZ tank anywhere.
Once zoned the ground turns purple and you will hear a ghostly sound. You cannot hit anyone nor can you be hit by normal bullets or missiles.
- Stay close to teleporters -preferably a group of them- and do this in a zoned state. Only briefly emerge in the real world to fire a couple of well aimed shots, after which you should drive or jump back into the gate.
- When trying to destroy a Guided Missile (GM) camper together with teammates, you can help them by 'stealing' the missiles by exposing yourself between the GM and your teammates. The GM tank will lock and waste his missiles on you.
- If you need to, you can travel from one side of the map to the other without too many problems.
- The Ghostbusters didn't know this, but a Shock Wave (SW) or Super Bullet (SB) blows up ghosts.
Ricochet (R)
This flag makes shots ricochet of buildings and walls.
- Make use of walls and buildings to hit tanks at their hiding places. Try not to expose yourself too much.
- If you hit a pyramid the shot will be reflected out of the battle field.
- Useless in a world where ricochet is enabled for everyone by default. The administrator of such a server either forgot to remove this flag or doesn't know how to do it. Drop the flag in such a case.
- Be careful not to kill yourself by firing at 90 degree angles at walls.
- Any player could, when chased by you, go straight for a building or wall. When you shoot them they will jump, but the bullet will ricochet back to you. You'll be food for laughter if you kill yourself like that.
Super Bullet (SB)
This flag makes your bullets shoot through buildings.
- Use the SB and buildings together. Stay behind buildings and fire at tanks through them, using nothing but your radar.
- The SB can also hit tanks equiped with the Phantom Zone (PZ) or Oscilation Overthruster (OO) flags. Get them when they think they are save, you'll be their worst nightmare.
- Beats the Guided Missile (GM) or Laser (L) if a world is stuffed with structures, but utterly useless if a world provides little or no cover.
- Veteran players will find higher places to dodge your super bullets and finish you off when the time is right. Get them by surprise by making your first shots count.
Seer (SE)
This flag gives you Superman's vision, but not his power. See tanks on the radar that carry Stealth (ST), see tanks in the main window that carry Cloaking (CL), see the real radar color of someone that has Masquerade (MQ) and see Invisible Bullets (IB) on the radar.
- Quite useful if there are a few tanks out there that carry ST, CL, MQ or IB. Otherwise, you might want to ditch this flag.
- Great if there is a Stealth (ST) tank pilotted by a good player. Get him if you can, then take his flag!
- Avoid attacking tanks with better flags then yours. Instead, hunt the ones that carry ST, CL, MQ or IB.
Shield (SH)
This flag gives you a shield that protects you from one shot only. Getting hit will drop the flag, which will respawn a few seconds later somewhere else in the world.
- Do not tread the SH as the ultimate protection, since it's not. However, it might just be enough to give you the edge you're looking for in a head-on fight, especially if you play on a server with few shots.
- Try to find another flag when you get the chance.
- This flag will not help much against weapons like a Guided Missile (GM), Laser (L), Shock Wave (SW) or Machine Gun (MG).
- Practically useless on servers where the number of shots is 5 or higher.
Steamroller (SR)
The kiss of death. This flag gives your tank the ability to kill tanks by your mere touch.
- Keep using your bullets like normal, but try to get close to a tank or group of tanks and just touch them. Never use SR just for the sake of it, if you can shoot, shoot!
- When tanks jump to avoid your bullets, try to jump into their jump arc. You need to do no more than scratch them.
- Have fun using it! Causes major humiliation to your opponent once you get him.
- If a guy with Oscillation Overthruster (OO) is hiding inside a building near the edge, drive past the wall. With any luck you'll be near enough to defragment his hardware.
- Veteran players will not come too close to you and just get you with whatever they have at the moment. Chances are they have a better flag.
- Consider dropping it when you're near another flag.
Stealth (ST)
This flag makes your tank -with the exception of your bullets- invisible on radar. Your visibility in the normal window is unaffected.
Since Guided Missile (GM) tanks need radar, they cannot lock on to you.
- Try to stay out of view of enemy tanks by using cover.
- Use ST to your advantage, avoid medium and long range battles.
- Don't waste the element of surprise, make your shots count.
- Sneak up from behind or wait around corners.
- Get close enough to ensure a kill before you fire.
- Drive around buildings to surprise an opponent.
- Work together with teammates. Let one tank chase someone around a building, while you approach from the other side.
- After firing the first shot, players can estimate where you are.
- Experienced players will watch the radar for any shots coming from nowhere (attacking them or another tank) and go after the last known position of the ST tank. Make it difficult for them and go somewhere else after you fire. Drive and use cover or try a teleporter.
- If you're after a GM camper on a structure, do not just hope for the best and jump on it. Instead you should crawl near the edge, wait and watch the radar for the direction of his fire. If it's away from you go get him.
Shock Wave (SW))
This flag changes your bullets to expanding spherical waves of destruction with a short range.
- With the SW, buildings are your best friend. Try to stay between or on top of them but watch out for ricochetting bullets. Avoid open fields.
- Nearly useless in a world with little cover, but mighty when it's populated.
- If you're chasing a runaway tank but just can't get close enough with your short range weapon, just drop your flag and shoot the coward from behind.
- Your SW can get tanks with Oscilation Overthruster (OO) and Phantom Zone (PZ) flags too.
- When moving forward, you'll notice on the radar that shock waves trail you causing an even shorter range in front of you, but larger behind. Use this effect to your advantage when battling another SW tank. Go to him, but when you're close enough back up a little. If he continues to close in, then your slightly larger range will be enough to finish him off first.
- Only use your shock wave when in range. A shock wave is highly visible in the window and on radar, scaring away any nearby tanks. Be patient and lure unsuspecting tanks to you!
- When you're closing in on a tank, jump the last section and treat him shock waves from above. You'll be tough to hit.
- The short range of the SW makes you an easy target on open fields.
- It's a wanted weapon, be prepared to defend it.
Tiny (T)
This flag makes your tank very small from the front, back and sides. Height remains unaffected.
- Since you're smaller it has become slightly easier to dodge bullets as well as the Guided Missile (GM).
- Although you're a little harder to hit, don't expect everybody to run away from you. A veteran player can kill you with little effort.
Thief (TH)
This flag gives you high speed and a short range laser with infinite shots that cannot kill, but can only steal someone's flag! Criminal. It should be forbidden.
- Use your high speed to your advantage, dodge bullets like mad.
- Check the scoresheet for the flag of your desire, don't just rob any tank.
- Your weapon is lightning fast and has infinite shots, so don't bother too much about aiming. Just shoot! Make sure you get close enough though; never wake a sleeping dog.
- Since you cannot kill and your weapon's range is short, it would do you good to stay near buildings.
- The weapons range increases when you drive forward and decreases when reversing.
Useless (US)
This flag is useless. Well...almost.
- Possessing this flag might attract players looking for an easy victim. If this is what you want, let them come to you! It would be best to do this in a quiet corner though.
- Be aware of flies near swampy areas. Use your flag to swat them.
High Speed (V)
This flag gives you a speed boost of 50%.
- It is now less difficult to dodge a Guided Missile (GM) when driving in a circle around the GM tank. You still can't outrun a missile from behind though.
- Don't get too close. At a medium distance you'll have a bigger advantage in dodging bullets.
- It is easy to outrun Shockwave (SW) equiped tanks, you can even drive backward and kill them when they're following you.
- Although jumping is now slightly safer since it is more difficult to predict your landing spot, veteran players can still get you.
Bad Flag Database
Left Turn Only (LT)
This bad flag disables right turns on your tank.
- Avoid any engagement, unless you find another tank with a bad flag.
- Try to move to the side of the map and hang out there.
- Stay close to a building and follow it counterclockwise. Expose yourself as less as possible.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Any player will know you're an easy prey. If any tank is targetting you, keep as much distance from it as you can.
Right Turn Only (RT)
This bad flag disables left turns on your tank.
- Avoid any engagement, unless you find another tank with a bad flag.
- Try to move to the side of the map and hang out there.
- Stay close to a building and follow it clockwise. Expose yourself as less as possible.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Any player will know you're an easy prey. If any tank is targetting you, keep as much distance from it as you can.
Blindness (B)
This bad flag makes you blind out of the window. You still can use the radar.
- To experienced players this flag should not pose that much of a problem since they use radar most of the time anyway.
- Avoid any engagement, unless you are comfortable fighting another tank on radar alone.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Watch out for Stealth (ST) tanks, you are extremely vulnerable to them. Although you can't see them at all now, remember that their bullets are still visible on the radar.
Colorblindness (CB)
This bad flag makes you unable to identify the color of other tanks.
- Only fire at a tank if it fires at you first. Consider tanks that do not fire at you as teammates.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Do not just shoot at tanks. If you happen to kill a teammate you're much worse than a donkey.
Jamming (JM)
This bad flag renders your radar useless.
- Avoid any engagement, unless you find another tank with a bad flag.
- Drive more or less in circles to compensate for your radar loss.
- Use buildings for cover.
- Try to move to the side of the map and hang out there.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Watch out for Cloacking (CL) tanks, you are extremely vulnerable to them. Although you can't see them at all now, remember that their bullets are still visible in the window.
- Any player will know you're an easy prey. If any tank is targetting you, keep as much distance from it as you can.
Momentum (M)
This bad flag causes your tank to have lots of momentum. It will now accelerate, stop and turn with silly Newton laws enabled.
- A bit annoying, but it's still possible to engage tanks on medium and long range.
- Avoid close quarter combat.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- You will stand no chance against tanks with High Speed (V), avoid them at all costs.
Obesity (O)
This bad flag makes your tank very large.
- Avoid any engagement at all cost.
- Try to move to the side of the map and hang out there.
- Stay close to a building. Expose yourself as less as possible.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Any player will know you're an easy prey. If any tank is targetting you, keep as much distance from it as you can.
Wide Angle (WA)
This bad flag gives you a fish eye view out of the window.
- To experienced players this flag should not pose that much of a problem since they use radar most of the time anyway.
- Try not to use the main window, unless you're facing a Stealth (ST) tank.
- If your bad flag is timed, use the remaining time to find a group of flags. When your timer reaches zero, aim to be right in front of a new flag.
- Any player will know you're an easy prey. If any tank is targetting you, keep as much distance from it as you can.
This website is copyright © 2002-2005 by Raimond Kühlman (a.k.a. Dutchrai). All Rights Reserved.